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It’s time to heal your emotional pain from abuse and trauma to go from surviving to thriving!


I am so happy you’ve landed here because this is your safe place to feel supported, understood, and most of all, heard.

Whether the emotional pain or trauma you are experiencing comes from narcissistic abuse or a dysfunctional relationship with a romantic partner, a parent, an in-law, a sibling, a friend, a colleague, or even your child, it can be an extremely lonely place.

Right now you might be feeling lost, confused, worried, scared, devalued, or a whole range of different emotions. So the first thing I want to say to you is you are not alone and I believe you.

Experiencing trauma or narcissistic abuse is more common than you think but it’s also extremely damaging to your physical and mental well-being – often leaving you with a loss of self-worth. Sometimes you might not even recognise the person looking back at you in the mirror, never mind the person who’s abusing you. 

I’m here to tell you that you no longer have to feel like this anymore. This no longer has to define you. And you no longer have to keep blaming yourself and questioning everything. 

Are you ready to recover and rebuild your life?


Misha Patel

1:1 Coaching Packages

“Turn your struggles to strength and your pain to power and purpose”

6 Month Package

A deep healing experience where in just 6 months you will experience a life long transformation with my guidance every step of the way. Consistency and implementation is key when healing to experience a life changing transformation and this package is designed exactly for this. Bonuses include text support and access to a portal of invaluable resources and LIVE guest expert sessions.

The Break Free Intensive

A unique and transformative day designed just for you. This is perfect for self-led healers who need guidance to start their healing journey, struggle to commit to long-term sessions, or prefer to work at their own pace.

Community Support Plus 1:1 Support

This is an affordable long term option for the self-led healers needing minimal support. Connect with other survivors, healing resources and get a 60 minute 1:1 session a month.


Experiencing abuse & healing from trauma can feel lonely. You may be feeling like you are the only one going through this.
You are not alone. In this private and safe membership space you get access to a monthly Q&A with me, soothing workshops and guest expert sessions all whilst hearing other survivors challenges, success stories and building friendships for an investment of only £33 a month*.
(*Cancel anytime no questions asked)

Social Media Links

To learn more about narcissistic abuse, trauma healing and my own journey follow my social media pages:

Misha Patel GMBPsS -
Certified Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Specialist

Hi, I’m Misha, and I’ve been where you are and I know how you feel. As a narcissistic abuse survivor, I’m here to support you and offer you a non-judgmental safe space to work through your experiences. 

I’m a British South Asian coach on a mission to break the stigma surrounding mental health in the South Asian culture and raise awareness that mental health matters. 

What I’m here to do? Help women all over the world recognise narcissistic abuse and overcome trauma to HEAL and THRIVE. Because you get to write a new story and live a life you can be proud of.

Misha Patel

Featured in...

Misha is passionate about raising awareness of trauma and narcissistic abuse and has spoken and taught at several events for South Asian women. In 2024 she won a highly commended SHE Award in the Glass Ceiling Breaker category for her work. She has also co-authored a chapter on narcissism in the Amazon Number 1 best seller Fairy Tales Re-Told. For speaking enquiries, corporate workshops or collaborations please contact Misha.

What clients say

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V. A
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When I first met Misha I was feeling at an all-time low - lost with a head full of fog… Misha was attentive and able to not only give great advice but provide the right tools/resources to help get me back on track. I noticed instant results in the methods used - helping provide clarity & allowing me to take on life challenges with a fresh perspective. I feel like a new/better version of me.
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After only one session with Misha I felt a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. She is a great listener and I feel like I've known her for years. She is able to offer advice without any judgement and makes it feel easy to open up. There have been big and necessary changes in my life since I started my sessions with Misha and without her I wouldn't have had the courage to take the steps towards building a better life for myself and my child.
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Misha has been helping me face my childhood trauma so that I can overcome a trauma bond that has kept me trapped in a relationship with a narcissist for over 21 years. The journey has been a difficult one, often frightening, often enlightening - but Misha has been incredible in helping me see through the fog, to break old patterns and has been a solid source of support throughout this journey. My healing is still in progress but I look forward to overcoming this and becoming a stronger version of me one day soon.

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